This race come together story is pretty awesome. Last Tuesday I was doing my little hour recovery ride out San Andreas and back, and I got to thinking.... (uh oh), I was thinking about how MUCH I wanted to go to Wisconsin for TOAD. Then a good song came on, I got a little pumped up, and was like - that's it - i'm going to buy a ticket, and just do it! But, when I got to work, I kinda lost my steam and said well maybe it's not in the "plan" (what plan?!) this year, and perhaps it's not meant to be.
Then my life for the next couple weeks took a turn. I was sitting there eating my lunch, when I got a text from Jono - the team Director for Vanderkitten and here's what how it started "Court, you keen on diryland??" What!? Are you serious?! I was just thinking about how much I wanted to go that morning - dude, i'm so a believer that if you really want something, and put it out there, if it's right, it will happen.
So, I did some homework on plane tickets, registration, put in a time off request (THANK YOU AARON!) etc - and committed. All I had to do was get myself there, get registration covered, pack a crap load of power bars, gu and recovery powder (yum?) - and life would be good. =).
So there you have it - i'm about to embark on an adventure that will include 11 stages, hanging out with great people, and sights and scenes completely new to me. And here's what I have to say - Bring it on baby.
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